
Deposit Funds

Before you can make or confirm a bullion purchase, you need to have deposited sufficient funds into one of our bank accounts.
If you aredepositing funds from a currency account other than New Zealand dollars, it should be transferred directly to our US dollar bank account.

Depositing funds to our US dollar bank account.

Bank:  Bank of New Zealand, Willis Street, 42 Spark Central Floor 2, Wellington 6011, New Zealand 

Account name: New Zealand Vault Ltd
(USD) Account Number to be credited: 869867-0000
6 Digit "Bank Code" (if needed): 021000

Special Instructions:   "Do Not Convert"
Reference:                   Your full name & Safety Deposit Box / Storage Account Number if known.
Account Address:
New Zealand Vault
Basement Level 2
AON Centre
1 Willis Street
Wellington 6011
New Zealand

Depositing funds to our New Zealand dollar bank account.

Bank:                           Bank of New Zealand
Account Name:            New Zealand Vault Ltd
Account number:        02-0506-0139536-025
Reference:                   Your full name & Safety Deposit Box / Storage Account Number if known.

Please note that upon receipt of your NZD funds we will automatically transfer these across to the USD account unless you advise us otherwise.
It would be helpful if you could email us at to let us know you have deposited funds.